Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): The Complete Guide
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are blockchain-based tokens representing unique digital items such as digital art, collectibles, video game items, domain names, and more. The concept of NFTs is somewhat polarizing: one end of the spectrum raves about the creation of a financial infrastructure to trade and collect digital assets, and the other tends to view the …
Sorare: Fantasy Football on the Blockchain Explained
Sorare is a French blockchain startup building an NFT collectible game revolving around fantasy soccer (football)– not to be confused with American fantasy football. The game consists of unique digital tradable cards of football players, some of which have attracted considerable market value. One such card of Christiano Ronaldo recently sold for $102,000, making it …
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What is Crypto Art? A Simple ExplanationÂ
Crypto art is (usually) digital art on the blockchain, gaining the “crypto†moniker from the cryptographic elements related to blockchain technology. If that sentence sounded like a bunch of jargony mumbo-jumbo and threw you for a whirl, don’t fret– we’ll break down crypto art and tie everything back together in this simple guide. Enter the …