[introduction_banner title=”Built for Builders” overview=”Overview”]

[introduction_details details=”We understand why the world has gravitated towards Ethereum-based digital art solutions so far— it is very quick and easy to develop on the Ethereum platform as specialized Ethereum smart contracts. This allows such a rare art platform to “piggy back” on the existing security and infrastructure of Ethereum. Perhaps more importantly, it also provides a liquid and native currency, ETH, that can be easily used to purchase and sell the artworks registered on such a platform. However, we believe that this ease of use and speed/convenience come at an extremely high price, which ultimately makes it the wrong approach. “]
Over time, as developers understand these shortcomings they will be more inclined to adopt the competitive approach of Pastel. The cross-platform (Windows/Mac/Linux) C++ codebase communicates via API calls with the storage layer (which is written in Golang) and with the image verification logic, which is written in Python using the Pandas and TensorFlow libraries. These services are bundled together for ease of deployment on Supernodes using Docker and Ansible scripts. In addition, there is separate wallet software that is downloaded by users (creators and collectors) and installed on their computers. This design enables seamless adoption.
[introduction_details details=”This wallet software exposes a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to perform various tasks, including:”]
  • Sending and receiving PSL coins.
  • Registering a network user’s identity on the network. Creators, collectors, builders, and Supernodes all use the same PastelID system to establish their identities, which are used for all art-related transactions in the Pastel Network.
  • Browsing and searching for NFTs on the network (using the Supernode network as the distributed servers). This includes features such as “trending” pages.
  • Registering and trading NFTs as well as displaying transaction history.
[introduction_details details=”Third parties are encouraged to build on Pastel to add various optional or convenience services to the system, or to directly deploy third-party applications. The Pastel team has open sourced a series of tools, well-documented APIs, and RPC functionality to help builders get started.”] [introduction_details details=”A third party talent agency could maintain a site for its clients, who could then access the network through the agency’s Pastel account. Such a system would automatically perform the various, underlying NFT actions on the Pastel blockchain via direct RPC and API calls. In effect, any platform can have the system perform actions on their behalf on the Network, such as generating a PastelID for the user and registering an artwork on the Pastel blockchain – with all settlement logic abstracted from the native builder.”]

[information_readmore title=”Introduction” link=”https://pastelnetwork.wpengine.com/overview/introduction/”] [information_readmore title=”Multi-Layer Structure” link=”https://pastelnetwork.wpengine.com/overview/multi-layer-structure/”] [information_readmore title=”Core Features” link=”https://pastelnetwork.wpengine.com/overview/core-features/”]
[information_readmore title=”User-Friendly Experience” link=”https://pastelnetwork.wpengine.com/overview/user-friendly-experience/”]
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